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How to Use Your Social Media Channels As Lead Generation Tools

How to Use Your Social Media Channels As Lead Generation Tools

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Generate Leads Through Social Media For businesses, social platforms present an unparalleled opportunity to engage with both existing and potential new customers. With people spending so much time browsing social feeds, posting content,...

Organic vs Paid Social Media Marketing: What Are the Differences?

Organic vs Paid Social Media Marketing: What Are the Differences?

Key Differences Between Organic vs Paid Social Media Organic vs Paid Social Media Marketing is a crucial consideration in any successful marketing strategy. Social media marketing has become a vital component of modern marketing efforts. Brands can now directly reach...

A Beginner’s Guide to Online Reputation Management in 2024

A Beginner’s Guide to Online Reputation Management in 2024

What Is Online Reputation Management? Online reputation management refers to the process of monitoring, managing, and improving an individuals or company's reputation and public perception online. With the rise of social media and review sites, what people see when...

SEO vs ORM: What’s the Technical Differences?

SEO vs ORM: What’s the Technical Differences?

What are the differences between ORM and SEO? Search engine optimization (SEO) and online reputation management (ORM) are two integral aspects of digital marketing. Though they seem similar on the surface, there are some key technical differences between the two that...