Appointment Booking Case Studies

Case Studies of Book Appointments

XtremeUX is a digital marketing agency focused on driving appointments for small businesses through search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. By leveraging proven techniques, XtremeUX helps small business owners attract more customers and book more appointments.

Whether through optimizing websites for higher organic rankings, building targeted PPC campaigns, or implementing conversion-focused tactics, XtremeUX aims to connect small businesses with high-intent customers actively searching for their products or services online.

With measurable ROI and transparent reporting, XtremeUX empowers small businesses to gain visibility and convert web traffic into booked appointments effectively.

Plumbing Company Case Study

Plumbing Company Case Study
  • The client was a local plumbing business struggling to get new customers and appointment bookings through their website.
  • XtremeUX audited their website and found very low organic rankings for critical keywords like “plumber Toronto” and “emergency plumbing service Toronto.”
  • Implemented an SEO strategy focused on optimizing a website for target keywords, improving site speed, securing backlinks, and creating local listings.
  • Ran Google Ads PPC campaigns targeted specifically at users searching for plumbing services in the client’s city and surrounding areas.
  • Optimized landing pages for SEO and PPC traffic to boost conversions with compelling offers, click-to-call buttons, and online booking.
  • We integrated a lead capture form on a website offering a free quote to generate leads. 


  • Organic rankings improved to the top 3 within five months. PPC ads drove 6X more traffic. Online bookings increased by 50% – a lead capture form generated 60+ leads per month.
  • In 6 months, the client acquired over 100+ new customers and saw a 4X increase in appointment bookings directly from their website and phone calls.

Dental Clinic Case Study

Dental Clinic Case Study
  • The client was a local dentist looking to attract new patients and fill empty appointment slots.
  • XtremeUX optimized a website for keywords like “dentist Hamilton,” “dental checkup Hamilton,” and “family dentistry Hamilton.”
  • Ran Google Ads campaigns targeting searchers looking for dentists and dental services in the client’s zip code.
  • Created dedicated landing pages for services like teeth cleaning, dental implants, braces, etc. Focused on clear calls-to-action for booking.
  • They implemented exit intent popups and sticky bars to capture visitor information for follow-ups.


  • In 4 months, organic traffic increased by 50%. PPC campaigns drove over 100+ new patient appointments.
  • Landing pages and lead capture tactics increased the appointment conversion rate from the website by 35%.
  • Appointment reminders reduced no-shows by 15%, improving retention.
  • The client was able to fill previously empty appointment slots and increase new patient bookings by 25% in just six months.

Home Improvement Case Study

Home Improvement Case Study
  • The client was a local home renovation company that offered services such as kitchen remodels, bathroom upgrades, flooring installation, etc.
  • XtremeUX optimized its website for keywords like “Ottawa kitchen remodel,” “bathroom renovation Ottawa,” and “Ottawa hardwood flooring.”
  • We have created dedicated landing pages for specific services featuring pricing, gallery, and online booking.
  • Ran Google Ads targeting searchers looking for home renovation services in the client’s area.
  • We implemented a chatbot on the website to instantly answer FAQs and book consultations.
  • Integrated online scheduling system allowing customers to book consultations 24/7.
  • Sent appointment reminders and design questionnaires via email after submitting the booking forms.


  • In 5 months, website traffic increased by 30%, and consultations booked directly online doubled.
  • Chatbot provided instant booking for over 70+ new customers.
  • Google Ads drove 100+ new appointment requests.
  • The client was able to book 40+ new projects through online-generated leads in just six months.