In-Store Visits Case Studies

Case Studies of In-Store Visits

For furniture stores, jewelry boutiques, appliance showrooms, clothing outlets, and other brick-and-mortar retailers, XtremeUX implements proven local SEO, paid search, and social media strategies to get more shoppers through your doors.

By optimizing your website and listings for relevant local keywords and running targeted promotions via Google/Facebook ads, we boost visibility among nearby customers searching for your products and services online.

Our data-driven multi-channel marketing attracts high-intent website traffic that we convert into in-store visits via calls-to-action, offers, and location/contact information.

With XtremeUX, retailers strengthen their local presence and effectively drive qualified foot traffic to increase sales at physical locations.

Local Jewelry Store Case Study

Local Jewelry Store Case Study
  • The client was a regional jewelry store chain looking to boost visits and sales at their mall and neighborhood locations.
  • Optimized website and Google Business Profile for keywords like “Toronto jewelry stores,” “custom rings,” “necklaces,” “watch repair,” etc.
  • We highlighted in-store services like cleaning, sizing, and appraisals to attract local searchers.
  • Ran Google Local Ads promoting sales events and new collections at nearby stores.
  • We created Facebook ads with special offers and discounts driving specific store pages.
  • They implemented location extensions and calls-to-action to enable online booking.


  • In 3 months, increased website traffic by 25% and in-store visits by 60% across all locations.
  • Google Local Ads drove the highest number of phone calls and map directions.
  • Facebook Offer ads accounted for most new customer sign-ups and sales.

Furniture Store Case Study

Furniture Store Case Study
  • The client was a family-owned furniture store looking to increase foot traffic and sales.
  • Optimized website and Google Business Profile for keywords like “Toronto furniture store,” “sofas,” “mattresses,” and “bedframes.”
  • We highlighted custom design services and in-house delivery options.
  • Ran Google Local Ads for seasonal sales like Labor Day mattress deals.
  • We created Facebook ads promoting custom furniture design services.
  • We added in-store coupons and catalog downloads to drive visits.
  • We sent emails to website visitors with store hours and sales events.


  • In 4 months, increased in-store visits by 35%.
  • Custom furniture design inquiries doubled from improved local SEO.
  • Google Local Ads drove the most calls, directions, and store visits.

Women’s Clothing Store Case Study

Women’s Clothing Store Case Study
  • The client was a boutique women’s clothing store looking to increase store traffic and sales.
  • Optimized website and GBP for keywords like “Toronto women’s boutique,” “dresses”, “shoes,” “and accessories.”
  • Showcased new seasonal collections and highlighted in-store personal styling.
  • Ran Facebook ads for sales events and promotions, driving to the store page.
  • We have added online appointment booking for personal styling services.


  • In 6 months, we have increased store visits by 45% and average purchase value by 20%.
  • Appointment bookings for personal styling doubled through online scheduling.
  • Facebook ads generated the highest number of new customer sign-ups and sales.