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How to Advertise on Google in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

Last Updated on 24th Jun, 2024 | Social Media

How to Advertise on Google

Step-by-Step Guide for Launching a Google Ads Campaign

When it comes to how to advertise on Google, one of the most popular and effective options is Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords. Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day, making it the #1 search engine globally. Launching a strategic Google Ads campaign allows businesses to place text, image, and video ads on Google Search results pages and other sites within the Google Display Network whenever users search for terms or visit sites related to their business. This makes Google Ads an incredibly powerful tool for reaching potential customers online.

A well-optimized Google Ads campaign can drive traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and generate leads and sales for your business. However, setting up and managing a Google Ads account involves much more than creating ads and targeting a few keywords. To maximize the results from your ad spend, you need to take the right strategic approach from the initial planning stage through ongoing optimization.

Key Takeaways

  • Google Ads allows businesses to reach customers who are searching for products/services on Google and its network.
  • Setting up a Google Ads account, planning your campaign strategy, creating ads, choosing keywords, setting bids and budgets, and optimizing are key steps.
  • Define your goals, target audience, and ideal customer to create relevant, effective ads. Research keywords and competitiveness.
  • Write compelling, relevant ad text with a clear CTA. Use ad extensions. Create ad groups around topics.
  • Bid strategically on keywords based on volume, competition, and relevance. Optimize for conversions or cost per conversion.
  • Structure accounts for the organization. Analyze data like CTR, conversions, etc., to optimize. Expand top-performing elements.

10 Easy Steps to Launch a Successful Google Ads Campaign

  • Set Up Your Google Ads Account
  • Plan Your Google Ads Campaign Strategy
  • Create Your Text Ads
  • Structure Your Account & Campaigns
  • Choose Your Keywords
  • Set Your Bids & Budgets
  • Measure & Optimize Your Campaigns
  • Track Conversions & Retarget
  • Organize & Share Campaign Access
  • Continually Test & Improve

Step 1: Set Up Your Google Ads Account

The first step is to set up your Google Ads account, which will allow you to create and manage campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads. Here is how to set up your account:

  • Sign up at ads.google.com. If you don’t have a Google account already, you will need to create one.
  • Choose your account type, such as individual or business. Select your country/region and time zone.
  • Accept the Terms & Conditions and click “Create Account”.
  • Select your payment method. Google Ads is pay-per-click, meaning you only pay when someone clicks your ad.
  • Set your daily budget to control costs and enter your billing information.
  • Verify your account via phone or postcard. Then, your account will be operational.

Step 2: Plan Your Google Ads Campaign Strategy

Before creating and launching ads, it’s important to strategically plan your campaign and define your goals, target audience, and ideal customer profile. This lays the foundation for creating relevant, effective ads optimized for the right people. Key planning steps include:

Set Your Campaign Goals

Be clear on what you want to achieve with your Google Ads campaign. Common goals include:

Identify Your Target Audience

Who are you trying to reach with your ads? Define the core demographic and psychographic profile of your target audience such as:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Income level
  • Interests
  • Needs & pain points
  • Behaviors
  • Purchase history

Create Your Ideal Customer Profile

Define the top characteristics of your ideal customers and who is most likely to convert. Ideal customer profiles include info like:

  • Demographic data
  • Goals and challenges
  • Needs your business solves
  • Where they are in the buyer’s journey
  • Common objections

Perform Keyword Research

Use free tools like Google’s Keyword Planner and competitors’ ads to research the most relevant keywords and phrases for your business to determine search volume and competitiveness.

Set Your Budget

Determine how much you are willing/able to spend on your campaign for now, factoring in your goals, competitors’ bids, and keyword costs. You can always adjust later.

With your Google Ads campaign strategy defined, you’re ready to set up your first campaign ad groups, keywords, and ads!

Step 3: Create Your Text Ads

Google text ads appear as short paragraphs above or below search results. The text needs to inspire users to click and take them to your landing page. Follow these best practices when crafting your ad text:

  • Use clear, compelling headlines and descriptions that make the user want to click and learn more. Be relevant to their search.
  • Highlight key benefits and value propositions for your product or service. Focus on what you can do for the customer.
  • Use keywords and targeted phrases in the headline and description so your ads are more relevant to searches.
  • Include a clear call-to-action like “Buy Now” or “Sign Up Now” to prompt clicks.
  • Be concise – 25 characters for headlines, 35 for descriptions 1 and 2. Use 150 chars max in description 2.
  • Use all available ad extensions, like location, call, etc., to improve ad visibility.
  • Test multiple ad variations with different text and landing pages. Evaluate performance data.

Ad Text Examples


❌ Boutique Clothing Shop ❌

Beautiful Affordable Women’s Fashion – Shop Trendy Styles Online!



Affordable Designer Style Clothing

Shop Trendy Women’s Fashion at a Fraction of the Price – Free Shipping & Returns!


The improved ad headline clearly explains the key benefits, and ads like “Affordable” help attract the target audience. The description provides more details on what makes the offer appealing and includes a strong call-to-action.

Step 4: Structure Your Account & Campaigns

When setting up campaigns in your Google Ads account, following a structured approach allows for better organization and optimization.

  • Group campaigns according to product/service, initiative, or seasonal. Ex. “Summer Sale” or “Q4 Lead Gen”.
  • Use ad groups to cluster similar or related keywords and ads, such as “women’s shoes” or “men’s watches”.”
  • Organize keywords into tightly themed ad groups for relevant ads and better Quality Scores.
  • Categorize ads into groups for testing and analysis. Change underperforming elements first.
  • Label campaigns and groups clearly for easy monitoring. Adjust as needed.
  • Segment traffic by device, location, and audience for more focused targeting.

The right structure makes it easier to identify the best-performing combinations, scale them up, or apply the lessons to new campaigns.

Step 5: Choose Your Keywords

Choosing the optimal keywords and understanding how to bid on them is crucial for getting your ads in front of the right searchers at the right costs.

  • Leverage free keyword tools like Google’s Keyword Planner for ideas and search volume data. Review competitor ads.
  • Choose a mix of broad, phrase, and exact-match keywords. Allow for flexibility but also tighter targeting.
  • Prioritize keywords with higher search volume and relevance to convert visitors. Lower competition also helps.
  • Calculate keyword competitiveness using metrics like average CPC and monthly searches. Bid strategically.
  • Organize keywords into tightly themed ad groups around topics for more relevant ad serving.
  • Re-evaluate keywords periodically based on performance and remove or bid down underperformers.

Bidding on the optimal keywords drives qualified traffic to your site at the right cost per conversion. Monitor keyword metrics frequently to adjust as needed.

Step 6: Set Your Bids & Budgets

To maximize conversions and ROI from Google Ads, you need to use smart bidding strategies and set well-structured budgets.

Here are some best practices:

Determine Initial Keyword Bids

  • Start by bidding based on each keyword’s suggested bid in Keyword Planner.
  • Bid higher on keywords that are more relevant or have higher conversion potential for you.
  • Bid lower on very general or less competitive keywords to get impressions at lower costs.
  • Adjust bids based on current ad position – increase bids to move up or decrease to move down while staying on page 1.
  • Set minimum CPC bid targets based on your target cost per conversion and conversion rates.
  • Bid higher if you have high-profit margins and can pay more per click/conversion.
  • Scale bids down for keywords drive lots of clicks but have low conversion rates.
  • Factor in the stage of your campaign – bid higher earlier on to gain impressions and data.
  • Do A/B testing with manual CPC and Target CPA bidding to see what delivers the best results?
  • Use bid simulations to estimate the impressions/clicks possible at different bid levels.
  • Let Google automatically bid for you with Smart Bidding once you have enough conversion data.

Set Your Daily Budget

  • Consider your campaign goals and metrics like desired clicks or conversions per day.
  • Factor in current CPCs and conversion rates to estimate costs to achieve your targets.
  • Start conservatively with the daily budget, then optimize and increase it over time if needed.
  • Use automatic bid strategies like Target CPA for Google to adjust bids dynamically within your budgets.
  • Set campaign budgets and use shared budgets to distribute them efficiently across keywords and days.
  • Schedule your budget to be evenly distributed daily for consistency or higher on high-traffic days.

Optimize for Your Goals

  • Focus on conversion volume if your priority is generating more leads/sales.
  • Optimize for conversion value if revenue or ROI per conversion matters more.
  • Or optimize for the lowest cost per conversion to get converting visitors at the best price.
  • Adjust your targeting, bids, landing pages, and ad copy to improve conversion metrics steadily.

Continuously monitor your campaign data and optimize your bids and budgets to achieve your desired goals effectively.

Step 7: Measure & Optimize Your Campaigns

It’s essential to constantly analyze your Google Ads campaign performance and continually optimize elements to improve results. Follow these optimization best practices:

Analyze Metrics & Data

  • Review usage metrics like clicks, impressions, CTR, conversions, cost per conversion, etc.
  • Dig into keyword performance stats to identify winners vs. underperformers.
  • Review search term reports to find relevant new keywords to target.
  • Check out stats by device, location, and day/time to identify when and where users are engaging.

Enhance Underperforming Elements

  • Improve low CTR ad copy with more compelling messaging.
  • Upgrade thinly targeted landing pages so they are more relevant.
  • Broaden tightly themed ad groups for higher quality scores.
  • Bid higher on converting keywords; lower or pause irrelevant keywords.

Scale Up Top Performers

  • Extend ad schedules and increase budgets for top-performing days/times/devices.
  • Broaden matching options on high-performing keywords.
  • Add similar keywords and create new tightly themed ad groups around winners.
  • Duplicate high-converting ads and landing pages into new campaigns.

Automate Optimization

  • Use Smart Bidding strategies to optimize bids and ad placements automatically.
  • Enable Google’s Automated Rules to apply best practices at scale automatically.
  • Use Scripts and Experiments to test and iterate different campaign elements.

Continuous testing and improvement based on campaign data is key to getting the best performance from your Google Ads spend.

Step 8: Track Conversions & Retarget

To maximize value from search ads, you need to track conversions and retarget engaged visitors. Best practices include:

  • Install conversion tracking like the Google Ads tag to track leads and sales from your ads.
  • Import offline conversions from your CRM to accurately track all revenue driven by your campaigns.
  • Create custom conversion goals like newsletter signups or app downloads beyond purchases.
  • Build remarketing lists to target visitors who have already engaged with your site or ads.
  • Create ads and bid higher to get in front of past visitors who are more likely to convert.
  • Remarket across devices like search, display, YouTube, and Gmail for more chances to convert visitors.
  • Sequence your retargeting ads from awareness to consideration to conversion messaging.

Advanced conversion tracking and remarketing help you maximize the value of the traffic you drive via Google Ads.

Step 9: Organize & Share Campaign Access

Properly organizing who controls what in your Google Ads account and sharing access where relevant improves collaboration and productivity.

  • Assign (campaign managers) to specific clients, campaigns, or initiatives based on expertise.
  • Grant managers (view, edit, or approve) access only to elements they control to prevent conflicts.
  • Limit changes with (change history) to see who changed what and when.
  • Establish an (approval process) for reviewing modifications before they go live.
  • Use (shared libraries) so managers can easily reuse approved ads, keywords, creatives, etc.
  • Provide read-only access to executives to view dashboards and reports.
  • Leverage tools like (Google Ads Editor) for bulk campaign management.

With the right organization model and shared access, your team can work efficiently as you scale your Google Ads efforts.

Step 10: Continually Test & Improve

The best Google Ads practitioners know optimization is an ongoing process. Continually test and refine your PPC campaigns based on changing data:

  • Review metrics weekly and look for opportunities to improve underperformers.
  • Conduct quarterly audits to identify new gaps as the competitive landscape shifts.
  • Test ad variations, landing pages, bids, placements, extensions, etc., and scale winners.
  • Stay on top of Google updates that impact ad formats, mandatory features, etc., and adapt quickly.
  • Monitor searches and add keywords matching new trends relevant to your business.
  • Hire a Google Ads expert to handle technical optimization and advanced tactics.
  • Leverage automation for initial setup and ongoing optimization at scale.
  • Give underperforming elements time to improve before cutting them. Patience is key.

The most successful Google Ads advertisers continually optimize based on fresh data. They know a campaign is never truly “done.”

Final Thoughts

Creating a successful Google Ads campaign requires strategic planning, optimizing your ads for relevance, structuring campaigns properly, choosing effective keywords, setting competitive bids, continuously analyzing performance, and making improvements over time.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, including researching your audience, writing compelling ads, A/B testing ad copy, bidding intelligently based on data, tracking conversions meticulously, and staying on top of changes in Google’s algorithm and feature set, you can develop a data-driven Google Ads approach.

With the right expertise and tools, businesses can generate an excellent return on ad spend and consistently drive qualified traffic and conversions through Google Ads.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions people have about creating and optimizing Google Ads campaigns:

How much does it cost to advertise on Google Ads?

Google Ads costs are based on how much you bid on keywords and your daily budget. Most businesses spend between $10,000 – $25,000 per month on Google Ads, but campaigns can start small with budgets as low as $100/month.

How long does it take to see results from Google Ads?

You can see initial results in as little as a few hours after launching a campaign. However, expect a ramp-up period of 1-2 months to collect enough data to really optimize performance.

Should I do Google Ads myself or hire an agency?

Many small businesses successfully manage their own basic Google Ads campaigns. However, for more advanced setup and optimization, hiring a Google Ads management agency is recommended.

What should my Google Ads CTR be?

The average Google text ad CTR is 2-3%. Anything above 3% is considered good. Strive for at least 1-2% to start. Focus more on conversions and ROI versus just CTR alone.

Does Google Ads work for lead generation?

Yes, you can optimize Google Ads campaigns specifically to generate qualified leads by targeting relevant keywords, creating ads that prompt clicks, and driving traffic to lead-capture landing pages.

How can I track conversions from Google Ads?

Use the Google Ads conversion tracking tag on your website to measure leads/sales from your ads. Import conversions from analytics or your CRM to track all converting paths.

Should I use Google Smart Shopping campaigns?

Yes, Smart Shopping campaigns are ideal for ecommerce businesses. They automatically find customers and optimize for conversions across Google properties.