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Google Ads vs. Bing Ads: Which Is Right for Your Business?

Last Updated on 24th Jun, 2024 | Social Media

Google Ads vs. Bing Ads

Know the Difference Between Google Ads and Bing Ads

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an important online marketing channel for businesses looking to drive traffic and boost brand awareness. The two major PPC platforms are Google Ads and Bing Ads. When comparing Google Ads vs Bing Ads, Google Ads provides access to the world’s most popular search engine, Google, while Bing Ads targets searches on Microsoft’s Bing search engine.

With PPC advertising, businesses only pay when someone clicks on their ad. This makes it a cost-effective way to reach new customers. Both Google and Bing provide advertising platforms to create and optimize PPC campaigns. But which one should you choose for your business?

This comprehensive guide examines the key differences between Google Ads and Bing Ads. We’ll compare features, targeting options, costs, ad formats, and more. You’ll learn the pros and cons of each platform so you can determine which is right for your business goals and budget. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Google Ads and Bing Ads are the two major pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platforms, with Google Ads being much larger.
  • Google Ads provides access to the world’s most popular search engine and its extensive display network. Bing Ads targets Microsoft’s Bing search engine.
  • Google Ads costs tend to be higher due to more competition for keywords, but they offer a bigger reach. Bing Ads has lower competition and costs but less reach.
  • Google Ads interface is more robust, while Bing Ads is simpler. Both allow for keyword research tools, ad customization, and tracking.
  • Businesses with limited budgets may benefit more from Bing Ads, while those wanting maximum reach and targeting options should use Google Ads.
  • Consider testing both platforms to see which provides better results based on factors like competition, targeting capabilities, and costs that fit your budget.

Google Ads vs. Bing Ads: A Quick Comparison

Feature Google Ads Bing Ads
Search Engine Market Share 90%+ 6-8%
Display/Publisher Network Reach Massive Smaller
Targeting Capabilities Very Robust Good
Keyword Competition High Low
Average CPC Costs $2+ $0.60
Campaign Management Tools Very Extensive Straightforward
Ad Format Options Many Advanced Options Core Formats + Extensions
Conversion Tracking and Attribution Very Customizable Solid but Less Flexible
International Reach Excellent Mainly North America
Audience Targeting Precision High Medium
Automated Bidding Options Extensive Basic
Ad Customization and Optimization Highly Flexible Standard
Reporting Depth Very Deep Surface-level
Learning Curve Steep Gentle
Expertise Required High Low

Google Ads Overview

Google Ads
Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords, is the largest and most popular PPC advertising platform.

Some key things to know:

  • Access to Google Search: Ads appear on Google Search alongside organic results when people search for keywords related to your business.
  • Google Display Network: In addition to Search, Google lets you show ads on thousands of partner websites, videos, and apps.
  • Wide reach: Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day and owns the majority of the search engine market share.
  • Powerful targeting: You can target by location, language, device, audience, and more. More advanced options are available.
  • Automated bidding: Google Ads uses automated bidding to optimize costs and ad placement based on your goals.
  • Extensive ad formats: Text, images, video, and more. Some appear directly in search results.
  • Robust interface: Lots of options for keyword research, split testing, tracking, optimizing campaigns, and more.

Google Ads makes it easy for businesses to get their ads in front of people searching for their products or services. The large audience and precise targeting capabilities are big advantages.

Bing Ads Overview

Bing Ads
Bing Ads focuses specifically on placing ads on Microsoft’s Bing search engine.

Here’s an overview:

  • Bing Search: Ads show alongside organic results when keywords are searched on Bing. Available globally.
  • Microsoft Audience Network: Additional placement on Microsoft partner sites like MSN and Outlook.
  • Smaller reach: Bing has around 6-8% of the search engine market share globally, but it still accounts for millions of searches.
  • Demographic and intent targeting: Options to target gender, age, interests, customer intent signals, and more.
  • Automatic bidding strategies: These help optimize bids to achieve conversions or target CPA. They are not as advanced as Google’s.
  • Similar ad formats include text, product, video, app install, and other ads. Automated ad extensions are available.
  • Easy-to-use interface: Simple campaign setup and management options. Integrates with other Microsoft ads products.

The main appeal of Bing Ads is cost savings from less competition for keywords. It also integrates seamlessly if you advertise on other Microsoft platforms.

Google Ads vs. Bing Ads: Key Feature Comparison

Now that we’ve provided overviews of each platform, let’s do a side-by-side comparison of some of the most important features.

Reach and Audience

  • Google Ads provides a significantly larger reach to potential customers. It captures over 90% of global search traffic compared to Bing’s 6-8%.
  • Bing primarily reaches people in North America, while Google goes worldwide. This makes Google better for businesses targeting international markets.
  • Both networks go beyond search with display and partner website networks. Google’s is much more extensive.
  • Bing may provide better targeting for some North American demographics, which are skewed toward women and higher income.
  • <h3>Targeting Capabilities</h3>Google offers very robust targeting options: geographic, language, device, remarketing, custom affinity & in-market, demographic, ad schedule, and more.
  • Bing has improved targeting based on gender, age, interests, intent, remarketing, etc. However, it still needs to be at the scale and depth of Google.
  • Google lets you tightly control which websites, pages, apps, videos, and placements your ads appear. Great for niche targeting.
  • Bing makes it easy to target the Microsoft Audience Network. Google is better for targeting outside the search ecosystem.

Targeting Capabilities

  • Google offers very robust targeting options: geographic, language, device, remarketing, custom affinity & in-market, demographic, ad schedule, and more.
  • Bing has improved targeting based on gender, age, interests, intent, remarketing, etc. However, it still needs to be at the scale and depth of Google.
  • Google lets you tightly control which websites, pages, apps, videos, and placements your ads appear. Great for niche targeting.
  • Bing makes it easy to target the Microsoft Audience Network. Google is better for targeting outside the search ecosystem.

Keyword Competition and Costs

  • Competition is much higher on Google for valuable keywords, which leads to higher costs per click. Less demand on Bing keeps costs down.
  • Advertisers pay an average cost-per-click (CPC) of around $2 in Google Ads, while the average CPC in Bing Ads is around $0.60.
  • Less competition in Bing means it’s easier to attain a high ad position for targeted keywords.
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS) can sometimes be higher with Bing if targeting is solid despite the smaller reach.

Tools for Managing Campaigns

  • Google Ads Editor provides robust options for keyword research, bid adjustments, split testing, reporting, and optimizing at scale.
  • Bing Ads interface is more straightforward for launching and managing campaigns without advanced optimization.
  • Both platforms offer easy ad creation processes and templates. Google offers much more ad customization and functionality.
  • Google’s automated rules, bidding strategies, and ad extensions provide advanced optimization at the account and campaign levels.

Ads Format Options

  • Text, display, shopping, video, and mobile app ads are all available in both Google Ads and Bing Ads.
  • Google offers rich media ads like Lightbox, cinematographic, and interactive carousel formats to stand out.
  • Better ad customization, tracking, and performance optimization with Google’s robust ad options and features.
  • Bing automates ad extensions and ad copy optimization nicely. Google offers these auto-features plus more control over them.

Tracking and Analysis

  • Google offers robust conversion tracking and attribution modeling options to optimize for conversions throughout the funnel.
  • Bing has improved conversion tracking and automated bid strategies focused on conversions. It is less customizable than Google.
  • Both platforms provide strong reporting options. Google Ads offers more segmentation and insight capabilities.
  • Google ties into Google Analytics for deeper analysis. Bing can import Google Analytics goals to track conversions.
  • Bing simplified reports are nice for quick monitoring. Google provides a deeper dive while requiring more expertise.

Use Case Scenarios: When to Use Each Platform

Now that you understand the key differences between features, targeting, reach, costs, and capabilities, let’s look at which use cases favor one platform over the other.

When Google Ads Is a Better Fit

Google Ads makes more sense in these cases:

  • Your business has national or international target markets.
  • You want the maximum possible reach and impressions.
  • Targeting niche audiences or demographics is crucial.
  • You manufacture high-cost products with long sales cycles.
  • Your keywords have high commercial intent.
  • You sell B2B services or software with long decision processes.
  • Your business can afford higher PPC costs and extensive management.
  • It would help if you had advanced optimization, tracking, attribution, and analytics.

When Bing Ads Is a Better Fit

Consider Bing Ads when:

  • Your business focuses mainly on North American markets.
  • You want to test PPC without spending too much.
  • Your products or services cater more to higher-income demographics.
  • You have a limited monthly PPC advertising budget.
  • You want to drive conversions from a focused audience.
  • Your business is highly competitive on Google for core keywords.
  • You sell low or mid-priced products with shorter purchase cycles.
  • You need more resources to manage and optimize large, complex PPC campaigns.
  • Your business already advertises on the Microsoft Audience Network.
  • You are new to PPC advertising and want a straightforward setup.
Bing Ads provides an easy entry point into paid search with lower costs and competition in North America. If the budget is limited or focused on particular demographics, it may drive better returns. The platform is simpler to use and is out of the box.

Best Practices for Both Platforms

While Google and Bing have their differences, some best practices boost performance no matter which PPC platform you choose:

  • Research keywords thoroughly and regularly update targeting.
  • Use negative keywords to reduce irrelevant clicks and costs.
  • Optimize ad copy for conversion rates with unique selling propositions.
  • Develop text, display, and video ads tailored to different audiences.
  • Set specific campaign budgets aligned with performance goals.
  • Use location, device, remarketing, and other targeting features.
  • Let the platforms automatically set bids to maximize conversions within budget.
  • Closely track ROI and tweak campaigns to improve it over time.
  • Take advantage of available advertising report dashboards and analytics.

No matter which PPC platform you choose, the key to success is taking the time to research keywords, organize campaigns, create quality ads, utilize targeting features, and relentlessly analyze performance.

The Bottom Line

Google Ads and Bing Ads both offer viable PPC advertising platforms for businesses to drive leads and sales. Google Ads provides unmatched reach and precise targeting but costs more. Bing Ads are better for limited budgets but have a smaller scale.

Consider your target customer, typical buying cycles, geographic markets, budget, and appetite for complexity. Most businesses can benefit from having a presence on both Google and Bing. Start where your customers are and expand as needed.
With the right strategy tailored to each platform, PPC advertising can grow your business and provide impressive returns on ad spend. Use Google Ads and Bing Ads’ unique strengths to boost results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use both Google Ads and Bing Ads?

Yes, many businesses find success using both Google Ads and Bing Ads as part of their marketing strategy. Each platform reaches different audiences. Running campaigns on both allows you to get more potential customers.

Which platform should I start PPC advertising on first?

Most businesses should start with Google Ads since it provides the widest reach and helps establish an understanding of how PPC campaigns work. Use what you learned from Google Ads to expand into Bing Ads later.

Can I use the same ads on both platforms?

It’s recommended to tailor ad copy and creatives for each platform. You can test cross-platform ads, but the broader targeting and features of Google Ads and Bing Ads lend themselves to customized ad strategies.

Is one platform cheaper than the other?

Bing Ads tends to have lower costs per click due to less competition. However, costs depend on factors like keyword demand and targeting precision. Assess costs frequently as they vary across campaigns.

Which platform requires more expertise?

Google Ads offers more options for advanced targeting, automation, and optimization. This involves building expertise over time. Bing Ads has a gentler learning curve for basic PPC skills.

Can I measure ROI across the platforms?

Yes, both Google Ads and Bing Ads provide conversion tracking tools to measure ROI. Linking to Google Analytics or your CRM provides further cross-platform insight.