B2B Leads Case Studies

Case Studies of B2B Leads

XtremeUX leverages proven SEO and PPC strategies to help B2B companies capture more leads and grow their business. For manufacturers, contractors, construction firms, and other B2B organizations, XtremeUX implements targeted keyword research, website optimization, local SEO, and Google Ads campaigns to boost visibility among your ideal commercial prospects actively searching online.

By appearing prominently for industry and service-related searches, XtremeUX helps drive qualified traffic that converts through customized landing pages and lead capture forms.

With transparent reporting on critical marketing KPIs like lead quality and ROI, XtremeUX empowers B2B companies to effectively attract and convert high-intent website visitors into valuable new business opportunities.

Commercial Construction Company Case Study

Commercial Construction Case Study
  • The client was a commercial construction company looking to acquire bids and contracts from building developers and general contractors in their city.
  • XtremeUX optimized its website for keywords like “commercial construction [city],” “commercial builders [city],” and “commercial renovation contractors [city].”
  • We implemented schema markup to improve visibility in commercial searches and local listings.
  • Created dedicated landing pages showcasing their commercial construction services and past B2B projects.
  • Ran LinkedIn ads targeting employees of large developers and contractors in the client’s metro area.
  • We have developed customized lead capture forms to collect details like project timelines, scope of work, budget, etc.
  • Sent personalized outreach emails to captured leads with proposals and additional information.


  • In 4 months, 120+ high-quality leads were captured through landing pages and LinkedIn ads.
  • The client acquired 32 new commercial construction projects through online-generated leads.
  • Optimized websites are seen as an authority in commercial construction space in their city.

Industrial Equipment Manufacturer Case Study

Industrial Equipment Case Study
  • The client was an industrial equipment manufacturer looking to connect with more wholesalers and distributors.
  • XtremeUX optimized its website for buyer keywords like “industrial machine distributors,” “food processing equipment wholesalers,” and “material handling equipment suppliers.”
  • Created detailed product pages outlining specifications, applications, and benefits.
  • Ran paid search ads on Google targeting commercial resellers and wholesale distributors.
  • Developed lead capture forms to gather buyer details like type of business, purchasing role, and distribution coverage area.
  • Set up LinkedIn ads targeting employees of wholesalers and distributors.


  • In 3 months, generated 200+ sales-ready B2B leads from ads and landing pages.
  • Lead follow-up emails resulted in 35 new distributors and sales partnerships.
  • Increased connections with key distribution networks for expanded market reach.

HR Consulting Firm Case Study

HR Consulting Firm Case Study
  • The client was an HR consulting firm looking to attract new corporate clients for services like compensation planning, talent management, and leadership training.
  • XtremeUX optimized the website for keywords like “HR consulting firm,” “compensation consulting,” and “leadership training providers.”
  • We created service pages with detailed capabilities, methodologies, and case studies.
  • We ran LinkedIn-sponsored content focused on HR and talent challenges faced by enterprises.
  • We implemented contact forms to capture lead details, including company, department size, and pain points.
  • They sent custom proposals to leads outlining solutions for their specific HR needs.


  • In 6 months, 150+ enterprise leads and 25 new corporate clients were generated.
  • It increased average deal size by 30% through highly qualified, sales-ready leads.
  • Became a recognized thought leader in the HR consulting space through lead nurturing content.

Financial Services Firm Case Study

Financial Services Firm Case Study
  • The client was a financial services firm offering employee benefits, 401k plans, and business insurance.
  • XtremeUX optimized its website for keywords like “employee benefits Toronto,” “business insurance Toronto,” and “401k providers for small businesses.”
  • Created location pages targeting each city and specific services like health insurance, life insurance, and retirement plans.
  • Ran LinkedIn ads targeting HR personnel, benefits managers, and business owners in the client’s region.
  • Implemented contact forms to capture business details like size, existing benefits, and pain points.


  • In 5 months, generated 200+ qualified leads and 35 new business accounts.
  • Increased average deal size for employee benefits plans by 40%.
  • Became a go-to expert for employee benefits and business insurance in their metro area.